Even though certain cultures and religions view pr&stitution as sinful, it is widely acknowledged as the oldest profession in the world.
As more nations continue to legalize it, pr&stitution is beginning to take on greater significance in today’s society.
There are currently millions of prostitutes working all over the world, and some nations are known to be significantly contributing to their numbers, despite the fact that it can be difficult to obtain precise statistics on pr&stitution in many ways.
Pr&stitution is undoubtedly the world’s most serious social issue right now, and it will undoubtedly destroy all civilizations. Although kidnapping and human trafficking are the two crimes that pose the greatest threat to some countries, they are both mostly found in Gulf countries where the punishment is usually one and only death.
Pr&stitution is illegal in many nations, and those who violate these laws face a range of penalties. Denis Fines estimates that 3 million individuals visit for sex tourism purposes annually, with considerable rewards available to all types of travelers.
Individuals commonly conceal their employment status from the public out of anxiety that the receiver would identify them with countries with the highest rates of pr&stitution in the world, despite the fact that some people may not view it as a respectable or socially responsible choice of job.
Now that pr&stitution has become a common practice, more and more people are choosing it as a regular source of income.
Below is the ranking list of the Top 10 Countries With The Highest Number Of Prostitutes In The World, with The total number of Prostitutes in each country.
Ranking | Countries | Estimated numbers of Prostitutes |
1 | South Korea | 1.2 million |
2 | Thailand | 1 million |
3. | Philippines | 500,000 |
4 | Brazil | 500,000 |
5 | Spain | 350,000 |
6 | Malaysia | 150,000 |
7 | Kenya | 133,675 |
8 | Nigeria | 103,506 |
9 | Peru | 67,000 |
10 | Cambodia | 55,000 |