The attention of the Association of Campus Journalists, OAU has been drawn to an article published by one Mr Fayemi David Oluwadamilola, the Public Relations Officer of Faculty of Arts Students Association (FASA). We would like to state that there hasn’t been any official notification sent to the leadership of the Association Of Campus Journalists, and as such, we do no recognize such release.
However, the reason we are making this release is to attend to the unseemly act of the PRO in tagging the Association of Campus Journalists in his “press release.” Not only that, one of our registered and active news agencies on campus was equally “called out.” Having gone through the content of the article, we consider the statements of the PRO to be derogatory, a rather surprising outburst coming from an executive office holder.
We use this medium to relay to everyone that we do not condone any derogatory remark(s) against our individual persons or against any of our news agencies. We hereby state categorically that we were aware of the news the agency published. Upon our findings, we discovered that the news was accurate and was founded on the right claims.
Furthermore, the PRO has failed to give any tangible reason(s) for the release. As such, we feel offended as an association that such release was made without providing us the exacts reasons. As if that was not enough, the PRO took another rather surprising turn, threatening to seek the suspension of OAU Peeps. We feel threatened as campus Journalists and we believe the PRO has erred greatly in all his public derogatory remarks and private threats.
In our findings that followed, we discovered there is a power play between some persons and authorities in the faculty. It is however sad that one of the factions would drag our news agency or association into the mud to gain some cheap points. In the light of this, we have become more interested and would ensure that the general public is aware of the truth.
We hereby inform the general public that as an association founded on the strong pillars of the principles of journalism, we remain unshaken in the face of threats. And we do not appreciate accusations punctured by political sentiments. In response to the unbecoming acts of the PRO, we are moving to take up the case against his office through appropriate channels. As his threats constitute security concerns, the school security unit will be informed as a safety measure for our members on and off campus. Also, the Division of Students Affairs will be notified and all facts related to the case shall be duly provided.
Finally, we want to reiterate our commitment to what we do; a practice that is bound by unwavering principles. A threat to our news agencies, individual members, or association is a threat to what we stand for. And it will only be normal for us to react accordingly.
While we further our investigations, we want to assure the general public that we will lay bare open the truth, like we have always done. Thank you all. And we wish you the best in your forthcoming examinations.