DAILY GIST is an online news platform which was founded in 2020.
DAILY GIST report latest news in Nigeria in the area of Education, Politics, Health, Business, Technology, Jobs, Entertainment. etc
DAILY GIST aims to keep Nigerians updated and informed with Latest News and Information mainly in the aspect of Education, Politics, Health, Business, Technology, Jobs, Entertainment. etc
We always aim to transmit all articles/News without any influence from financial or advertiser’s interests.
We do not aim to fluctuate our visitor and the public toward any particular point of view but rather that they understand the facts, and thus be able to come to their own conclusions. Therefore DAILY GIST aims to provide the whole story, after learning about it as best as we can, and then explain it in a complete way.
To be one of the most trusted online news platform in Nigeria and to drive a new era of responsible Journalism.