The dating game always comes with the risk of heartbreak. But, you can reduce that chance by knowing the types of girl you shouldn’t fall for from the get-go.
While pain, heartbreak, frustration, and loneliness can be inevitable in any relationship, you can minimize the chance of these negative feelings popping up by choosing the right person to be with. This will save you a lot of trouble, misery, and heartbreak in the long run.
A good way to do this is to know the types of girls you shouldn’t fall for.
The First Type: The Chronic Drama Queen
The first type of woman to avoid is the chronic drama queen.
This is one of the most exhausting personalities to deal with in a relationship.
At first, she may seem exciting; she’s full of stories about the chaos in her life, wild fights with friends, dramatic sagas at work and constant problems no one else understands.
She may even seem endearing at first, because she’s passionate, emotional and needs someone to lean on.
But the truth is, she thrives on turmoil. Drama is her lifeblood, and you’re her final spectator. Believe me, drama won’t stay out of your relationship; it’ll come for you too.
If she doesn’t have enough chaos in her life, she’ll start creating it with you. You’ll suddenly become the villain of her latest episode because you may not have responded quickly enough or said exactly the words she wanted to hear.
Before you know it, you’re in the middle of an argument over a problem you weren’t even aware you had.
The Second Type: The Manipulative Nice Girl
She seems absolutely perfect: gentle, caring, saying all the right things, supporting you when you’re down and encouraging you when you’re up.
But there’s something wrong. It’s subtle at first, but over time you notice a pattern. She always finds a way to make you feel guilty or to turn situations in her favor.
Congratulations, you’ve met the nice, manipulative girl.
What makes this kind of girl so tricky is that her actions don’t scream toxicity, they whisper it. She doesn’t yell at you or abuse you blatantly; no, her manipulation is far more insidious. She hides in her gentle tone, seemingly innocent words and carefully crafted image.
The Third Type: The Perpetual Victim
She has a sad story for every occasion, and while this may strike a chord with you at first, there’s something deeper at play.
Nothing in her life is ever her fault; her exes were toxic, her boss is unfair, her friends are disloyal and, somehow, the universe always conspires against her.
The perpetual victim may not seem threatening at first because she doesn’t scream, lie or manipulate. On the contrary, they subtly draw you into the endless cycle of their problems, playing on your empathy.
Bad luck seems to follow her everywhere, and her problems are exaggerated or opportunely programmed when she wants to attract attention or sympathy.
The hardest thing about this kind of situation is that the person doesn’t want to change, because victimhood suits him or her. Even if you try to gently encourage her to examine her role in the problems or take steps to improve her situation, she’ll resist, because she’s invested in her story.
The Fourth Type: The Serial Social Climber
The third woman you should never date is the “serial social climber”.
She’s charming, elegant and knows exactly how to make you feel like the most important person in the world. But here’s the problem: her interest in you isn’t about you, it’s about what you can do for her. At first sight, this type of relationship may seem harmless, even ambitious. Isn’t it natural to want a partner who inspires you to aim higher? Of course, but there’s a difference between a woman who wants to build with you and one who simply wants to follow you to the top.
The serial social climber isn’t interested in love, respect or partnership; her goal is to leverage your status, resources and relationships to strengthen her own position. Once she’s squeezed all she can out of you, she moves on to the next stage
The Fifth Type: The Commitment Phobe in Disguise
One day she says, “I’m not ready for a relationship right now,” but she still expects you to act like her boyfriend.
Conflicting signals, constant hot and cold behavior, that’s what characterizes this kind of woman. If you’re not careful, she’ll have you running around in circles trying to win her over while keeping one foot out the door
The Sixth Type: The Overly Controlling Perfectionist
At first, you get the impression that she cares a lot about others or has high standards, but over time, her attention to detail turns into criticism, her attention becomes control, and her demands become impossible to meet.
She wants everything to go her way, and if it doesn’t, you’ll feel like you’re the problem.